2 Tournaments on the same day. Wow should be fun. Here is information regarding both tournaments. Both tournaments will not have transportation. You will be responsible for your own transportation to and from.
Holland High School Girls Tennis Invitational
Be there by 7:45 at the latest. Coaches meeting is at 8am and Players meeting is at 8:15am. Do not be late. Everyone Reports to Holland High tennis courts on VanRaalte Ave.
Mr. Vandepoel, Mr. Rutgers, and Mr. Anderson will be helping with the coaching of this tournament
Holland High and Holland Christian tennis courts will be used.
This is a varsity tennis tournament with varisty competition, so any vicotories would be fantastic. This will give everyone an understanding of a varsity tournament format.
There will be 4 singles and 4 doubles. Here is our linuep:
1s Jay Cize
2s Gabby Coronado-Dodde
3s Annika Anderson
4s Laci DenBlyker
1doubs: Arin Degraff & Leah DenBlyker
2doubs: Jacklyn Vandepoel & Lauren Kuiper
3doubs: Makenna VanDyne & Emily Hofmeyer
4 doubs: Hannah Karp & Rachel Rutgers
JV Girls Mustang Tournament @ NorthPointe Christian High School
3101 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids MI 49525
Two sites wil be used for this tourney. NorthPointe Christian (1-4doubs) and Forest Hills Northern (5-8doubs)
All players must report to NorthPointe Christian
You are responsible for your own transportation.
Be there by 8:15am at the latest, Coaches meeting is at 8:30am at NPC and Players meeting is at 8:45am.
Here is our lineup:
1d: Savannah Scholma & Cailey Michaelis
2d: Maggie Becker & Isabel Scholma
3d: Lauren Roach & Tiana DeForest
4d: Ashley Veldhof & Sarah Dykstra
5d: Emily Viravouth & Halla Jones
6d: Abby Perkins & Lauren Valentine
7d: Kambria Bangma & Cassie Hanson
8d: Amanda & Allie Buikema
Holland High School Girls Tennis Invitational
Be there by 7:45 at the latest. Coaches meeting is at 8am and Players meeting is at 8:15am. Do not be late. Everyone Reports to Holland High tennis courts on VanRaalte Ave.
Mr. Vandepoel, Mr. Rutgers, and Mr. Anderson will be helping with the coaching of this tournament
Holland High and Holland Christian tennis courts will be used.
This is a varsity tennis tournament with varisty competition, so any vicotories would be fantastic. This will give everyone an understanding of a varsity tournament format.
There will be 4 singles and 4 doubles. Here is our linuep:
1s Jay Cize
2s Gabby Coronado-Dodde
3s Annika Anderson
4s Laci DenBlyker
1doubs: Arin Degraff & Leah DenBlyker
2doubs: Jacklyn Vandepoel & Lauren Kuiper
3doubs: Makenna VanDyne & Emily Hofmeyer
4 doubs: Hannah Karp & Rachel Rutgers
JV Girls Mustang Tournament @ NorthPointe Christian High School
3101 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids MI 49525
Two sites wil be used for this tourney. NorthPointe Christian (1-4doubs) and Forest Hills Northern (5-8doubs)
All players must report to NorthPointe Christian
You are responsible for your own transportation.
Be there by 8:15am at the latest, Coaches meeting is at 8:30am at NPC and Players meeting is at 8:45am.
Here is our lineup:
1d: Savannah Scholma & Cailey Michaelis
2d: Maggie Becker & Isabel Scholma
3d: Lauren Roach & Tiana DeForest
4d: Ashley Veldhof & Sarah Dykstra
5d: Emily Viravouth & Halla Jones
6d: Abby Perkins & Lauren Valentine
7d: Kambria Bangma & Cassie Hanson
8d: Amanda & Allie Buikema