Flight Results
1 Singles-Sam Duckworth(L)2-6 2-6
2 Singles-Drew Pedersen-(W)6-3 6-0
1 Doubles-Jamesohn Bader and Reagan McCaw-(L)6-7(3-7 7-6(7-5) Super Tiebreaker 8-10
2 Doubles-Danny deForest and Adam Dykens(W)6-2 6-3
3 Doubles-Tucker Fritz and Nick Wehrmeyer(W)6-0 3-6 Super Tiebreaker 10-6
1st Proset-Jon Hofmeyer and Mike Walsh(W)8-5
2nd Proset-Sam Gruenler and Sean Seguin(W) 8-2
3rd Proset-Braden Book and Owen Schott(L)3-8
4th Proset-Matt Schackow and Jae Baek Lee(L)2-8
5th Proset-Aaron Weimer and Kyle Wiersma(L) 5-8
6th Proset-Auby Taylor and Brendan Stoel-(L)8-9(5-7 in deciding 7 point tiebreaker w/match tied at 8-8)
7th Proset-Hayden Taylor and Jack Taylor(W)8-1
8th Singles-Axel Perez-Vargas(W)8-5
***Final Score of Match was West Ottawa 7 Jenison 6***
Point Breakdown-Singles players w/wins=1 point per person X 2 wins=2 points
Doubles players w/wins=1/2 point per person X per team X 5 wins=5
points=7 Total Points
***Note-I gave Axel Perez 1 point for his singles match win since we had 23 kids and Jenison had 23 kids and with the odd number the Jenison coach and I agreed to have his last player and Axel go head to head for a match.**
***Note-Great job guys!!! We beat Jenison the 2nd time around this time and this showed me we have vastly improved as the season has gone along. Many of you kids have stepped up your game in many area-serving,extending vollies,and ball placement(returning shots in either a spot your opponent couldn't get to or couldn't get back a good return on! Great job! I was really impressed with many of you doubles kids NOT hitting balls STRAIGHT AT the "net guy" and letting him smash it past you and INSTEAD SEEING you guys getting cross court winners and NOT letting their net guys "burn you" by changing your strategy by lobbing more shots over the guy who was at the net and forcing them to return a longer shot back to you. Again GREAT JOB!!
Good Luck to ALL of you in our last match versus Mac Bay.It'll be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to it! Coach Dykens
1 Singles-Sam Duckworth(L)2-6 2-6
2 Singles-Drew Pedersen-(W)6-3 6-0
1 Doubles-Jamesohn Bader and Reagan McCaw-(L)6-7(3-7 7-6(7-5) Super Tiebreaker 8-10
2 Doubles-Danny deForest and Adam Dykens(W)6-2 6-3
3 Doubles-Tucker Fritz and Nick Wehrmeyer(W)6-0 3-6 Super Tiebreaker 10-6
1st Proset-Jon Hofmeyer and Mike Walsh(W)8-5
2nd Proset-Sam Gruenler and Sean Seguin(W) 8-2
3rd Proset-Braden Book and Owen Schott(L)3-8
4th Proset-Matt Schackow and Jae Baek Lee(L)2-8
5th Proset-Aaron Weimer and Kyle Wiersma(L) 5-8
6th Proset-Auby Taylor and Brendan Stoel-(L)8-9(5-7 in deciding 7 point tiebreaker w/match tied at 8-8)
7th Proset-Hayden Taylor and Jack Taylor(W)8-1
8th Singles-Axel Perez-Vargas(W)8-5
***Final Score of Match was West Ottawa 7 Jenison 6***
Point Breakdown-Singles players w/wins=1 point per person X 2 wins=2 points
Doubles players w/wins=1/2 point per person X per team X 5 wins=5
points=7 Total Points
***Note-I gave Axel Perez 1 point for his singles match win since we had 23 kids and Jenison had 23 kids and with the odd number the Jenison coach and I agreed to have his last player and Axel go head to head for a match.**
***Note-Great job guys!!! We beat Jenison the 2nd time around this time and this showed me we have vastly improved as the season has gone along. Many of you kids have stepped up your game in many area-serving,extending vollies,and ball placement(returning shots in either a spot your opponent couldn't get to or couldn't get back a good return on! Great job! I was really impressed with many of you doubles kids NOT hitting balls STRAIGHT AT the "net guy" and letting him smash it past you and INSTEAD SEEING you guys getting cross court winners and NOT letting their net guys "burn you" by changing your strategy by lobbing more shots over the guy who was at the net and forcing them to return a longer shot back to you. Again GREAT JOB!!
Good Luck to ALL of you in our last match versus Mac Bay.It'll be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to it! Coach Dykens