This is a loaded post, so let's get it started!!!
Goal 1: Finish sets strong. We definitely did this. There were may 6-0, 6-1, and 6-2 sets.
It's good to see that once we got a lead we could seal the deal.
Goal 2: Serve at a high percentage. This was a mixed bag. I tracked everyone's first serve
percentage, and this is a huge area for improvement in our program.
2. Thank-you's are in order: A huge thank you needs to go out to the VanDyne's for hosting a party on Saturday afternoon/evening. My dad told me a long time ago that to have a successful party, all you need is something good to eat, something fun to do, and good people to do it with. You gave us lots of all three. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Also, thanks to everyone who helped with concessions.
3. West Ottawa Tennis is a State-Ranked Program: This weekend, the press rankings came out and we were voted as the 9th ranked team in Division 1. This is the first time West Ottawa has held a State ranking by Mlive since 2008. Rankings don't mean a whole lot to me, but it is still an honor. It shows that we are perceived as being a top-notch program by people who follow tennis. It was almost certainly due to our performance in Ann Arbor two weeks ago. If we are to maintain or improve our ranking, we will certainly have to perform well when we return in a few days.
4. Drivers needed: We have some away events coming up in the coming weeks, and I need parents to get us there. Parents, here's your homework: Look at your calendar and see what events you can drive for. LEAVE A COMMENT IN THIS POST STATING WHICH EVENT YOU CAN BE A DRIVER FOR.
1. Saturday, Sept. 15 at Ann Arbor Pioneer Quad (One driver for van and one for extras)
2. Monday, Sept. 17 at Grandville
3. Wed, Sept. 26 at Rockford
4. Saturday, Sept 29 at Forest Hills Northern Tri
5. Saturday, Oct. 6 at OK Red Tourny
6. Tuesday, Oct. 9 at East Grand Rapids
7. Thursday, Oct. 11 at Regionals
8. Thursday, Oct. 18 - Saturday, Oct. 20 at Division 1 State Finals (Midland)