Several individuals have been working on particular things, and it was fun to see them happen in actual matches. Kennidi and Colleen, you have been working on adding more power into your shots, and I saw that throughout the day. Colleen, in addition to that, you had to battle through some things in your first match, and I was impressed how well you did that. Third and Fourth doubles, you made some adjustments as the day went on that I thought will help you a lot going forward this season. With Hudsonville on Monday, you picked a good time to do it:) And everyone else, I saw more of the same great effort and intensity that I've seen all year. You are getting better and better all the time.
Parents, I have a request: The food provided for us by the parents at EGR yesterday was way above and beyond what any other school has ever done for us. For those who weren't there, they provided a full spread of food and drinks for every player, parent, and coach for all teams. If you feel inclined, shoot an email to EGR's Athletic director. I bet their program would like it if their AD got a bunch of nice comments to start their week. I went on their website and his name is Tim Johnston, and his email is [email protected]. I will send my email to him as soon as I post this.
I hope to see many of you tonight at the Keech's!
Coach Schwallier