- Every school in the OK-Red, plus Holland and Jenison were invited.
- Each school was asked to bring their 14 best Junior Varsity Players.
- The tournament featured 2 singles flights and 6 doubles flights.
- Two win your flight, you must win all three of your matches.
- Teams invited: All OK-Red schools plus Holland and Jenison. The winner of this tournament can claim to be the best Junior Varsity team in the OK-Red.
- WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, here's the results:
Flight Champions:
1 singles Madison Wollenzier
2 singles Morgan Goddard
1 doubles Caroline Sisson and Megan Zimmer
3 doubles Danielle Scholten and Taylor DeRidder
4 doubles Isabelle McConkey and Anna Saewart
Runner Up: Cella Vanheest and Piper Kramer (side note, Cella popped her shoulder out when they were up 6-3, she popped it back in and continued playing. If this happened to me I would still be in the hospital crying like a baby)
2 Doubles; Elizabeth Inthasane and Emily Grant won 2 matches
6 Doubles: Megan McCormick and Julia Goede won 1 match
Others to participate:
Avery and Anna Warsaw won 2 matches at 6 doubles
Innes and Andrea won 1 match (against Rockford)
Wendy played with a Jenison girl and won 1 match
Serena and Amanda won 2 matches
Thanks girls for doing such a great job today and for working so hard. It's very encouraging for me to see the success that you are all having. You are a talented group. -Coach Schwallier