Thank you for a memorable season. To all the parents and players who sent me texts and emails last night and today, they meant a lot to me. Your kind words give me my energy.
Ok, on to business. There are 12 teams in our region; we finished 3rd. Kudos to Makenna and Emily on making the finals at 2nd doubles. That win pushed us ahead of Grand Haven by one point, moving us ahead of Grand Haven to end the season. Everyone I've talked to said that your performance was outstanding. However, there were great performances everywhere. Susan, you definitely played the best tennis I've ever seen you produce yesterday. It was unbelievable. Click Here to view complete results from the day.
Last night at home I was thinking about the day, and I basically hope that two things happened for all of you throughout the day yesterday:
1. I hope that at the end of the tournament you were thinking "wow, I'm just a lot better at tennis than I was at the start of the season". Parents, hopefully you were thinking the same thing about your child.
2. I hope that every one of you were looking around at the tournament and finding players that made you think "that's the kind of player I want to be next year at this time". Or "next year I'm going to get good enough to win at a particular flight". Basically, I hope that playing tennis this spring has given you new goals, and I hope that your new goals are very high. I hope that you are making plans so that they actually happen. Time goes by dangerously fast, it is the most valuable thing that you possess. Pay attention to how you spend your time, and don't waste it. Use it to accomplish your goals.
I'll put information out very early next week about our banquet. We will shoot for a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Thanks one more time for a great spring. -Coach Schwallier