Team Pictures
Both teams have uniforms in, so we can finally get our team picture taken. All girls have been given envelopes to take home after practice today, so make sure to bring them tomorrow for our picture. If the weather is nice, our pictures will be outside. If it rains, then our pictures will be in the North Auxillary Gym at 4:00PM. Girls, make sure to bring your uniforms!
EK Makeup will be this Thursday, April 25. Varsity will be Away, JV will be at Home.
FHN Makeup will be Monday, April 29 at FHN. This will only apply to varsity.
Needs: I need drivers for EK and FHN, so if you can drive, let me know soon please. Thanks
Grandville Recap: The Varsity and JV both won, and did a very good job. The Varsity won 6-2. Grandville generally puts a nice team together, so this is a good sign for us. We will need to continue to improve though when we play Grand Haven on Wednesday. But I would always say that as a season progresses, so that's not a bad thing. I just want to make sure everyone understands the need to keep working on their games.
Have a good night,
Coach Schwallier